Wednesday, August 17, 2016

What is RIF and MIF ?

R.I.F. = Read 15 minutes for “Reading is Fun” program.  Inside the take home folder, the students are given a form to keep track of their “RIF” minutes each month.  The goal is to read for 15 minutes five nights a week.  This requirement is flexible, as long as the students meet or exceed the goal by the end of the month.  The minutes will count toward reading incentive programs and the students will receive a grade in reading for their participation in “RIF.”

M.I.F. = Review math facts for "Math is Fun" program.  Review multiplication facts daily. (You can also practice basic addition, subtraction, and division to fit your child's needs).  Use flashcards, paper/pencil practice, apps, computer websites, board games, card games.... the possibilities are endless!  Short on time? Do oral practice while driving in the car.  Or ever think of this.... you usually quiz the 4th grader…so reverse the roles and have the 4th grader quiz the parent!  When students are “being the teacher” anticipating an answer, they are studying too!  Throughout the year, I will teach the students math games they can play to review concepts and recommend websites.  The goal is to practice five nights a week.  This requirement is flexible, as long as the students meet or exceed the goal by the end of the month.  The students will receive a grade in math for their participation in “MIF.”

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