Sunday, February 7, 2016

M. C. Escher

We made our own M.C. Escher inspired Tessellation!

M.C.Escher lived 1898 - 1972

He is best known for his mathematically inspired drawings and prints which displayed great realism, while at the same time showing impossible perspective, eye trickery and metamorphosis. 

Tessellation – a pattern made with polygons that completely fills a space with no gaps, spaces or overlaps

Tessellations are all around us! A tile floor is a good example. Can you find other tessellating patterns in the world around you?

How we did this... First cut a shape from one side of a 3x3 card, and slide it to the opposite side of the card, without flipping it over or turning it.

Next turn your newly created shape (we’ll call this your “tile”) in different directions and use your imagination to see if it “looks like” anything. Be creative!

Place your tile on the center of paper and carefully trace around it.
Then pick up your tile and place it next to your traced design, as if it were a piece fitting into a jigsaw puzzle. There shouldn’t be any gaps or overlapping. Then, trace around your tile again.

Repeat this step until your whole paper is covered and there are no gaps or spaces.

Trace over your pencil lines with a Sharpie and add details to each shape to help others recognize what you “saw” in it. (Remember that whatever details you add to one shape, will need to be added to EVERY shape!

Finally, color your design with markers, colored pencils or crayons.

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