Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Are you in the mood to play some Halloween games?
check out this site!

J Check out our costumes 
and enjoy some Halloween Jokes J

What is the most important subject in a witch school?  Spelling!
What do birds say on Halloween?  Twick or Tweet!

How does a witch tell time She looks at her witch watch!

What is a spooks favorite ride?  Roller Ghost-er

What do spooks eat at a cookout?  Hallo-weenies!

What does a witch like to eat A sand-witch!

What is a ghost's favorite treat?  Boo-ble Gum!

What do monsters play on a rainy dayMusical scares!

Where does a vampire take a bubble bath?  In the bat-room!

What do you get when you cross a nursery rhyme with a scary story?  Mother Goosebumps!

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